Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Legal Empowerment Fund for Young Climate Activists in Africa

Deadline: 30-Jun-24

The Legal Empowerment Fund, in close partnership with the Children’s and Youth Rights Program, launches an exciting new initiative to provide flexible funding to the next generation of climate justice activists in Africa.

The Legal Empowerment Fund (LEF), a program of the Fund for Global Human Rights, launched today a formal call for expressions of interest from young grassroots activists working to advance climate justice in six African countries.

Across the continent, young people are leading the response to the climate crisis in their communities. But few have access to the funding or support they need. Working in close partnership with the Fund’s Children’s and Youth Rights Program, the LEF seeks to identify and resource the next generation of young activists who are on the front lines of the fight against environmental injustice.

Why youth-led climate justice?
Grassroots climate justice is an urgent and necessary response to the intertwined crises of climate change, inequality, and injustice. Communities with less wealth and power are disproportionately impacted by the climate crisis, despite being the least responsible for causing it. The effects of climate change and environmental injustice—including extreme weather and drought, ravaged ecosystems, and mega-development projects that displace entire communities—are deepening inequality in some of the world’s poorest and most vulnerable regions. And when disasters strike, already marginalized groups—including children and young people—are among the most likely to suffer.

° Children and young people have been at the forefront of the fight against climate change in Africa. Their voices provide much-needed clarity and perspective on the consequences of climate change and environmental injustice. And their leadership is essential to delivering sustainable solutions. Yet they continue to lack access to international funding opportunities and decision-making spaces.

° They recognize their power and potential. They deserve the right to determine their own future.

° Empowered young people are not only a essential ally in the fight against climate change and environmental destruction—they are a vital part of the entire human rights ecosystem. Across the world, young activists have strengthened rights, enhanced access to justice, and elevated human rights standards. Their vision—for a global society that respects both human rights and the planet—can solve the climate crisis.

Eligibility Criteria
This round of funding will provide flexible two-year grants to activists using legal empowerment strategies to fight for climate justice in six African countries: Benin, Guinea Bissau, Liberia, Senegal, Sierra Leone, and Uganda. Both formal and informal organizations are encouraged to apply.

The funding will be focused on supporting grassroots youth-led groups who are using legal empowerment strategies to pursue climate justice and/or land & environmental justice. This would include:Using legal empowerment techniques (helping communities/individuals know, use, or shape the law).Demonstrating deep connection/commitment to one or more communities in country of operation.

Demonstrating engagement and interest in building a stronger global movement, e.g., participation in Grassroots Justice Network (formerly Legal Empowerment Network) initiatives or other global youth movements.
To be eligible, the organization’s budget must be less than USD 200,000 annually.
All expressions of interest that meet the above criteria will be reviewed. They will give special consideration to the following:Work that seeks to improve the voice and involvement of youth, especially girls and young women or young people with disabilities.Work that explicitly links land and environmental justice issues to climate mitigation (preventing the climate crisis, e.g., stopping pollution in your neighborhood), or adaptation (responding to the impacts of the climate crisis, e.g., rebuilding to respond to floods).Groups that are based in rural communities.

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