The Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) is issuing this Request for Proposal (RFP) to engage the services of a Service Provider (from May 2023 to September 2023) to conduct impact mapping, documentation and storytelling for Strengthening Nutrition in Priority Staples (SNIPS) Project with a focus on women and youths (Farmers, businesses and workers in the selected value chain) led businesses functioning in four selected Local Government Areas (LGAs) in each of the four selected states of Kaduna, Benue, Nasarawa and Oyo in the Vitamin A Cassava, Vitamin A Maize, Rice and Orange-Fleshed Sweet Potato value chains.
The Strengthening Nutrition in Priority Staples project is currently implemented by the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition in partnership with GIZ and the Green Innovation Centre for the Agricultural and Food Sector in Nigeria (GIC), with support from the German Government through the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). The project was developed to add a nutrition lens and deliver an integrated suite of activities to support GIZ’s Green Innovation Centre (GIC) in Nigeria. The Strengthening Nutrition in Priority Staples project aims to strengthen the GIC priority value chains and improve food and nutrition security through improved diets for farmers, farm workers, other workers in businesses in these value chains, and among the wider population in Nigeria. The broad objectives for this programme are:
Increasing the consumption of nutritious foods by smallholder farmers, farmworkers, their households, and the wider population.
Strengthening the cassava, maize, sweet potato, and rice value chains in Nigeria to provide more safe nutritious foods to consumers.
Increasing the use of nutritious varieties of the target staples in processed foods.
Improving the productivity & efficiency of farmers and businesses to increase the production of nutritious foods in the cassava, maize, sweet potato, and rice value chains.
The main objective is to engage a service provider to conduct an impactful mapping, documentation and storytelling on the Strengthening Nutrition in Priority Staples (SNIPS) project in four selected states.
The specific objectives are:To map out the stories of change focusing on farmers’ transition from traditional to biofortified foods,processing and commercialisation of biofortified food products by MSMEs (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises) and household and workplace consumption in Kaduna, Benue, Nasarawa and Oyo States.Conduct targeted trainings on storytelling for impact and document success stories on the project.Translate select training manuals focused on food safety, food processing and business sustainability into two indigenous languages, Yoruba and Hausa.To promote the production, processing, and consumption of these nutrient-enriched staples through documentaries, and photo stories about the SNIPS project activities in the selected states of implementation.
Scope of Work and Deliverables
The successful applicant shall complete the following services:Engage stakeholders in the food system, particularly farmers, food processors, aggregators, cooperatives, farmers associations, distributors, wholesalers and retailers engaging in the production, processing and commercialization of biofortified food products and some target households engaging in the consumption of biofortified foods.
Develop storytelling guides and templates for the project to document stories to be used till the end of the project cycle.Conduct training of select stakeholders, including the project team, desk officers and extension workers, on storytelling for impact.Create compelling, impact change stories and documentaries in English, Yoruba and Hausa (written and audio content for the podcast, video footage and photo stories) on the SNiPS Project.Translate select training manuals into Hausa and Yoruba languages.
Evaluation Criteria
Proposals will be reviewed by the Selection Team. The following indicate a list of the significant criteria against which proposals will be assessed. This list is not exhaustive or 100% inclusive and is provided to enhance the applicants’ ability to respond with substance.
Applicants are required to submit the following information, conforming to the guidelines given in this section:Understanding of the scope of work:Proposal shall demonstrate a clear understanding of the project objective and deliverables as outlined in Section I.Demonstrate a clear understanding of the technical requirements of this RFP:Providing detailed technical documentation of the proposed strategy.Evidence of experience delivering solutions using the proposed information technology platform.The creative and methodological approaches required to implement each of the parts of the scope of work.
Comprehensiveness of work plan and reasonableness of proposed time frame:Proposal shall include a feasible work plan to ensure successful completion of deliverables.The work plan details how activities will be coordinated.Detailed budget and cost-effectiveness of proposed approach:Evidence of cost-effective approaches to undertaking the scope of work within the proposed budget.Proposal shall identify possible challenges and include creative approaches to addressing them.Management and personnel plan:The team members working on this project shall have the relevant qualifications and overall experience required to successfully implement the project.Roles and responsibilities of each team member shall be clearly defined. GAIN shall have one main contact person clearly identified in the proposal.A duly completed offer of services.
The following proposals will automatically not be considered or accepted:Proposals that are received after the RFP deadline at the specified receiving office.Proposals received by fax.Incomplete proposals.Proposals that are not signed.
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